Red Geometric Shapes

CMDB 257 Seminar

CMDB 257 Seminar

Time: Wednesday, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Location: Genomics Building Auditorium 1102A


Date Speaker  Institution  Talk Title 
1/8/2025 NO SEMINAR    
1/15/2025 Joanna Kovalski UC San Francisco Decoding the Translation Control Code
1/22/2025 Mark Kay Stanford Exploring the molecular mechanism for the variation in AAV Transduction: Guiding the selection of optimal AAV capsids for clinical trials
1/29/2025 Victor Nizet UCSD Novel Biomimetic Membrane-Coated Nanotherapies and Nanovaccines for Serious Bacterial Infections and Sepsis


Seungjae Lee

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

RNAi Drug Regulates RNAi: Non-canonical role of ALAS1 as an RNAi suppressor


Longfei Gao

Columbia University

Understanding the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Regulating Hematopoietic Stem Cells


Elizabeth Abshire

University of Rochester

Alternative exon junction complex composition is regulated by cell signaling


Kehui Xiang

Whitehead Institute



Yen-Wen Kuo UCD Virus-Based Delivery of Interfering RNAs for Grapevine and Citrus Disease Management
3/12/2025 Carrie Cowardin University of Virginia Minding mom’s microbes: investigating maternal and early life diet-microbiota




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